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Prem Ras Madira - Regular Size - Hindi
The pastimes of Shri Radha Krishna form the basis of these poetic, blissful devotional songs, written in accordance with the Vedas, Shastras and Puranas, and the writings of Rasika Saints. Sung or read as poetry, they arouse the appropriate sentiments of love and humility in an aspirant’s heart.
Shraddha - Hindi
Faith is an indispensable requirement in any spiritual journey. Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj discusses the process to develop and deepen our faith in God and Guru.
Prema Rasa Siddhanta - English
Through the authority of the Vedas and other scriptures, Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj provides the answer to this fundamental question: what is true happiness and how can it be attained? Using wonderful logic and perfect worldly analogies, the deepest spiritual subjects are easily understandable.
Upanishadon Ka Saar - Hindi
A comprehensive interpretation of the Upanishads and Vedas, conveying the message of selfless and exclusive devotion, simplified for the benefit of everyone.
The Importance of Spiritual Knowledge - English
₹ 50.00 INR
So important is correct spiritual knowledge, that is revised and contemplated upon regularly and applied in daily life, that no one can even begin their spiritual journey without it.
Hello True Happiness! - English
₹ 50.00 INR
The aim of human life and the way to fulfil it are discussed in the shortest and simplest possible manner. Profound spiritual philosophy applicable and understandable to all.
Ahankar aur Bhakti - Hindi
A practical guide that helps us to understand and overcome the greatest impediment to our spiritual progress, our ego.
Jagadguruttam - Jeevan Parichaya - Hindi
From his appearance in the little-known village of Mangarh in 1922 right up to his chosen departure in 2013, Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj consecrated himself for the spiritual welfare and upliftment of all. His sublime life is depicted in this first-ever biography.
The Sacred Rules - English
With the focus on personal development, this blueprint for spiritual progress serves as a source of inspiration and guidance to anyone seeking God.
Shri Radharani - Kirti Kumari - Hindi
Who is Shri Radha?
Who is Kirti?
Why do we worship Shri Radha?
Raas Panchadhyayi - Hindi
The most esteemed pastimes of Shri Krishna are those amorous ones He played with His inseparable associates, Shri Radha and the gopis, on the highest platform of transcendental love. Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj sheds light on the phenomenon of raas.
Nishkam Prem - Hindi
The intricacies of selfless love – the highest expression that a devotee of God can harbour – is explained over four discourses.