Stress & Depression Management

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Bhagavad Bhakti - Hindi

Bhagavad Bhakti - Hindi

₹ 150.00 INR₹ 137.00 INR
The essential duty of a spiritual aspirant – replacing desires for the world with desires for God - is discussed and validated with numerous scriptural quotations over eight days. How this is to be done in today’s modern world is then revealed.
Sadhak Savdhani - Hindi

Sadhak Savdhani - Hindi

₹ 60.00 INR
Just as a cyclist on a busy road is conscious of the dangers and manoeuvres himself accordingly, a spiritual aspirant must be alert and stay away from the dangers that negate his spiritual earnings.
Sadhak Savdhani - English

Sadhak Savdhani - English

₹ 150.00 INR₹ 116.00 INR
Just as a cyclist on a busy road is conscious of the dangers and manoeuvres himself accordingly, a spiritual aspirant must be alert and stay away from the dangers that negate his spiritual earnings.
Sunahu Sadhak Pyare - Hindi

Sunahu Sadhak Pyare - Hindi

₹ 150.00 INR₹ 116.00 INR
Once we understand that we belong to God and not this world, we will begin to accumulate what we need for our true spiritual wellbeing.
Bhagavad Bhakti - English

Bhagavad Bhakti - English

₹ 250.00 INR₹ 137.00 INR
The essential duty of a spiritual aspirant – replacing desires for the world with desires for God - is discussed and validated with numerous scriptural quotations over eight days. How this is to be done in today’s modern world is then revealed.