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Braj Ras Madhuri Vol. 1 - Hindi (New Edition)
These 478 compositions combine with alluring melodies to become perfect mediums for devotional meditation. The lyrical presentation of scriptural wisdom reflects the multifaceted personality of Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj.
Satsang - Hindi
₹ 40.00 INR
The all-important subjects of how to identify and associate properly with a Guru, and the three essential elements needed to ensure we succeed in our journey to God.
Rupdhyan Vijnana - Hindi
Rupadhyana is a special meditational technique introduced by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj, and its science is extensively described in this publication. It is a very useful book for practicing devotion.
Hari Guru Smaran - Dainik Chintan - Hindi
Constantly engage your mind in the loving remembrance of God and Guru. This is the essence of all scriptural knowledge.
Guru Seva - Hindi
Scriptures proclaim that a spiritual aspirant can attain his ultimate goal by sincerely and devotedly serving his Guru. However, the aspirant must always remember that any service he performs should be done without any desire for his own pleasure.
Bhakti Ki Adharshila - Hindi
Simple guidelines to develop the fundamental spiritual qualities of humility, forbearance and politeness. Once imbibed and reinforced with practical devotion, these qualities will become the foundation upon which genuine spiritual progress is made.
Atma Raksha - Hindi
To ensure the determination to realise God remains resolute, aspiring devotees must stay far away from anything or anyone capable of undermining it. But how is this possible while living in the world and going about your day-to-day activities?
Atma Nirikshan - Hindi
By analysing our thoughts and motivations, we can determine our shortcomings, accept our faults, and strive to overcome them. In this way, our spiritual progress is assured.
Atma Kalyan - Hindi
Though the subject matter was originally given to residents of ashrams, this practical advice is just as relevant to people living in the world who wish to proceed speedily along their chosen spiritual path.
Guru Mahima - Hindi
₹ 75.00 INR
All Jagadguruttam Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj’s devotional songs on Guru – gems extracted from principal works such as Prem Ras Madira, Bhakti Shatak, Braja Rasa Madhuri, and so on.
Guru Govind - Hindi
An elucidation of the nature, qualities and glory of a God-realised Saint in the form of devotional couplets with short explanations.
Yugal Madhuri - Hindi
The essence of the writings of India’s great Braja Rasikas is captured to reveal the devotional nectar and sweetest charms in the divine plays of the Divine Couple.