Jagadguruttam Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj beautifully illustrates the sweetness of the divine service Shri Krishna performs for Shri Radha. He disguises Himself to gain an audience with Her and hopefully render His services without being identified. As Her true lover, Shri Krishna relishes the opportunity to serve Her more than He enjoys Her amorous behaviour with Him. Extraordinary is this subject and equally so is the poetry that depicts it so sublimely.
This is the twelfth chapter of the glorious anthology of classical poetry on devotion, The Intoxicating Bliss of Divine Love, the English translation of Prem Ras Madira. The extraordinary 1008 devotional poems of Prem Ras Madira are in accordance with the scriptural laws of the Vedas, Puranas, Upanishads, and so on.