Philosophy Books

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Atma Nirikshan - Hindi

Atma Nirikshan - Hindi

₹ 80.00 INR₹ 60.00 INR
By analysing our thoughts and motivations, we can determine our shortcomings, accept our faults, and strive to overcome them. In this way, our spiritual progress is assured.
Atma Kalyan - Hindi

Atma Kalyan - Hindi

₹ 80.00 INR₹ 60.00 INR
Though the subject matter was originally given to residents of ashrams, this practical advice is just as relevant to people living in the world who wish to proceed speedily along their chosen spiritual path.
Always Remember - Hindi & English (Bilingual)

Always Remember - Hindi & English (Bilingual)

₹ 15.00 INR
Pocket-sized philosophical and practical advice taken from the ocean of Vedic wisdom by Shri Maharaj Ji and presented as sixty-nine inspirational sayings.
Upanishadon Ka Saar - Hindi

Upanishadon Ka Saar - Hindi

₹ 250.00 INR₹ 167.00 INR
A comprehensive interpretation of the Upanishads and Vedas, conveying the message of selfless and exclusive devotion, simplified for the benefit of everyone.
Unveiling the Saints - English

Unveiling the Saints - English

₹ 50.00 INR
A pocket-sized guide to help spiritual aspirants distinguish between a genuine Saint or Guru and an imposter pretending to be one.
The Importance of Spiritual Knowledge - English

The Importance of Spiritual Knowledge - English

₹ 50.00 INR
So important is correct spiritual knowledge, that is revised and contemplated upon regularly and applied in daily life, that no one can even begin their spiritual journey without it.