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Guru Ki Avshyakta - Hindi - EBook

Guru Ki Avashyakta - Hindi Ebook

₹ 50.00 INR
The imperative need of a genuine Saint in your spiritual progress.
Sachha Sathi - Hindi - EBook

Sachcha Sathi - Hindi Ebook

₹ 50.00 INR
Who is our true companion?
Dainika Prarthana - Hindi - Ebook

Dainik Prarthana- Hindi Ebook

₹ 50.00 INR
Beautiful devotional songs and poems of love, admiration and humbleness that are an especially important part of a devotional life, reminding spiritual aspirants of the gratitude they should feel towards their spiritual master, worshipable Deity and the holy abodes etc.
Danamekam Kalau Yuge - Hindi - Ebook

Danamekam Kalau Yuge- Hindi Ebook

₹ 50.00 INR
“Charity is the only way in this age of Kali,” so says this Vedic principle. This book explains why and how we should engage our body, mind and wealth in charity, not only for the betterment of society, but for our own spiritual advancement too.
DA DA DA - Hindi - Ebook

DA DA DA - Hindi Ebook

₹ 50.00 INR
The original spiritual nature and spiritual purpose behind charity is discussed. What is charity and to whom should it be rendered? What are the benefits and are there any dangers if our charity is given in the wrong place?
Bhakti Ki Adharshila - Hindi - Ebook

Bhakti Ki Adharshila - Hindi Ebook

₹ 50.00 INR
Simple guidelines to develop the fundamental spiritual qualities of humility, forbearance and politeness. Once imbibed and reinforced with practical devotion, these qualities will become the foundation upon which genuine spiritual progress is made.
Bhakti Shatak - Pocket Size - Hindi - Ebook

Bhakti Shatak - Pocket Size - Hindi Ebook

₹ 50.00 INR
The ocean of Vedic knowledge is encapsulated in these 100 devotional couplets. The text begins by establishing Shri Radha as the Supreme Entity and the very soul of the Supreme Soul, Shri Krishna, and culminates to reveal that He is bound by love, and it is through love that He can be attained.
Atma Raksha - Hindi - Ebook

Atma Raksha - Hindi Ebook

₹ 50.00 INR
To ensure the determination to realise God remains resolute, aspiring devotees must stay far away from anything or anyone capable of undermining it. But how is this possible while living in the world and going about your day-to-day activities?
Atma Nirikshan - Hindi - Ebook

Atma Nirikshan - Hindi Ebook

₹ 50.00 INR
By analysing our thoughts and motivations, we can determine our shortcomings, accept our faults, and strive to overcome them. In this way, our spiritual progress is assured.
Atma Kalyan - Hindi - Ebook

Atma Kalyan - Hindi Ebook

₹ 50.00 INR
Though the subject matter was originally given to residents of ashrams, this practical advice is just as relevant to people living in the world who wish to proceed speedily along their chosen spiritual path.
Sadhak Savdhani - English - Ebook

Sadhak Savdhani - English Ebook

₹ 145.00 INR
Just as a cyclist on a busy road is conscious of the dangers and manoeuvres himself accordingly, a spiritual aspirant must be alert and stay away from the dangers that negate his spiritual earnings.
Guru Kripa - English - Ebook

Guru Kripa - English Ebook

₹ 150.00 INR
The nature and outcome of the grace is discussed in this compilation. What must an aspirant do or know to reap the full benefit of this opportunity given to him by God?