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Jeev Ka Lakshya - Hindi
The aim of human life and all the critical points associated with it are discussed; confusions are dispelled, and a clear path is revealed to make the most of this invaluable human life.
Murti Pooja - Hindi
The hidden meaning behind this most common form – and the most misunderstood form – of spiritual practice is revealed by Jagadguruttam Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj. Only when you practise correctly will you reap the intended benefit.
Nishkam Prem - Hindi
The intricacies of selfless love – the highest expression that a devotee of God can harbour – is explained over four discourses.
Divya Swarth - Hindi
The meaning of the words SELF and INTEREST are revealed to show that as individual souls, our one and only true relative is the Supreme Soul, God. The path to His attainment is discussed and the supremacy of bhaktiyoga is proven.
Bhagavad Bhakti - Hindi
The essential duty of a spiritual aspirant – replacing desires for the world with desires for God - is discussed and validated with numerous scriptural quotations over eight days. How this is to be done in today’s modern world is then revealed.
Bhagavad Bhakti - English
The essential duty of a spiritual aspirant – replacing desires for the world with desires for God - is discussed and validated with numerous scriptural quotations over eight days. How this is to be done in today’s modern world is then revealed.
Sunahu Sadhak Pyare - Hindi
Once we understand that we belong to God and not this world, we will begin to accumulate what we need for our true spiritual wellbeing.
Sadhak Savdhani - English
Just as a cyclist on a busy road is conscious of the dangers and manoeuvres himself accordingly, a spiritual aspirant must be alert and stay away from the dangers that negate his spiritual earnings.
Braj Ras Trayodashi - Hindi
Thirteen poetic couplets that summarise the science of selfless devotion to explain the essence of Hinduisms main scriptures and the writings of India’s great rasik saints.
Prem Marg - English
₹ 100.00 INR
Despite scriptures referencing different paths for the attainment of God, and the mushroom growth of pseudo saints propagating their own so-called paths, Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj dispels the confusion and establishes the supremacy of bhaktiyoga.
Bhagavannam Mahatmya - English
₹ 75.00 INR
The science behind the recitation of the divine name of God is discussed. It is only when an aspirant develops faith that God is seated in His name, with all His divine powers, that he will relish the nectar of divine love when reciting it.
Maharaas Adhikari - Hindi
Who can understand the divine secrets behind the pastimes of Shri Radha Krishna that take place within the divine kingdom, far beyond the comprehension of any material mind and intellect? Some of those secrets are revealed by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj.